Zungenschneider beim Horizontalschnitt

Zurückgesetzter Zungenanfang

so wird die Zunge durch den Spurkranz angefahren
The basic principle for putting back the tip of the switch is the technical instruction low 95.0004 which was released in 1996.
It permits putting the switch blades tip back at a max. speed of 40 km/h and specifies the grinding inlet geometry.
It is possible to shorten the switch blade 60 cm, respectively until the middle of the locking-piece.
We thereupon developed a blade cutter, making it possible to adjust all required angles and to cut off the area to be grinded via cutting wheel. Thus it is possible to complete all necessary operations in a very high quality in approximately 1.5 hours.
A slightly different technology even permits traffic with a max. speed of 20km/h while working at the same time. Merely towards the end a train break of 15 minutes is necessary.
The pure working time amounts to approximately 2 hours.
Since 1997, the procedure is used regularly (2-3 times a month) in the DB network-district Rostock, mainly in the railway yard Rostock-Seehafen and the S-Bahn area.
The thereby gained experience detected that the lifespan of the switch blades increased by about 50 to 100 percent.
If a replacement was then necessary, it was mostly because of the abrasion in the rear position of the switch blade tip or because a switch had to be renewed completely.
In comparison to the replacement of a whole switch device, the costs for the cut back are accumulated less than one tenth. |